A Life Update + Site Revival?!

It’s been a while…

If you didn’t just sing that, I’m not sure we can be friends ;)

The last time I posted in here it was November of 2019…. my oh my how the world has changed since then!

2020 brought us a promising start that quickly plummeted to one of the most insane years in the history of the world, the USA and certainly in my 30 years of life!

While I’m still not quite sure I’m “back for good” on this page, I definitely know that I’ve been feeling called to write lately. I also committed to writing (at least) 21 new posts as part of my 21 for 2021 and as the “upholder” that I am, if I set out to do it, it will get done :)

At the start of the pandemic and throughout the summer of 2020, I decided to think carefully about what I want the future of my NTP business to look like. That led to leaving my position at RESPORT Chicago and putting a pause on coaching CrossFit at Wells Street Fitness. Coaching and helping others with their nutrition and physical goals was so wonderful, and I made a ton of amazing connections in both of those settings, but after really thinking about how I truly wanted to help people, those situations just didn’t exactly fit where I wanted to be. Being in a gym and practicing out of a chiropractic/physical therapy clinic meant that a lot of people came to me with physique and aesthetic focused goals. Both of which tend to lend themselves to diet culture mentality - quite the opposite of what I’d like to be doing in this space.

Long story short-ish, I’m still in the process of finalizing exactly how I want to work with people on their health and wellness. A huge part of that is because I officially came to the conclusion that I cannot do it all, at least not all at the same time. Lessons By Brooke & Company has needed 150% of my attention since the pandemic started. On March 15, 2020, we successfully pivoted 15 teachers and over 200 students to virtual lessons - no small feat. Throughout this past year it seems that every month/week/day/hour/moment brings up a new challenge or hardship that we need to address on both global and local fronts. None of that can happen without great amounts of care and attention. As many of us have, I feel like I’m constantly firing all cylinders just to keep the bare minimum afloat. The bare minimum right now means keeping Lessons By Brooke & Company running while taking care of myself and my loved ones as best as I possibly can.

Until very recently, I was honestly thinking about closing down this site and giving up my NTP practice all together. Every single time that thought crossed my mind the universe had other plans. I’d either hear from a past client about how well they were doing or a friend would need a little nutrition guidance that would just give me enough kindling to keep the pilot light going. Between those continued connections and a few continuing education courses that I have really enjoyed, I got the push that I needed to stick around for at least a little while longer!

My plan for right now is to just begin writing on here again. I’ll be sharing any and everything that is relevant to health and wellness, from product recommendations to answering FAQs from my instagram DMs. I’m hoping that showing up here without much of an agenda will help to guide me in the direction I’m “supposed” to go with this passion of mine :)