Meal Plan - Week of August 12, 2019

Wedding week meal plan time - I seriously don’t know if we’ll even end up following this because I had the great/terrible idea of working this entire week up the the night before the rehearsal/rehearsal dinner… Here we go!!!

Week of August 12

Breakfasts - A true Kitchen Sink Eggbake made with all of the things we have in the house that I don’t want to go bad when we’re on our honeymoon next week!

Monday Night Dinner - Cedar Plank Salmon & Grilled Veggies (onions, potatoes & peppers)

Meals - Matt needs 8 lunches/dinners to go. Brooke needs 5 lunches/dinners to go.

A few notes…

*THIS IS SURVIVAL MODE, PEOPLE! All of these dishes are easy to make, take and reheat which is exactly what I am looking for leading up to the biggest party we will likely ever throw in our entire lives!

*Matt takes his breakfasts to go and eats at work but I cook breakfast at home most mornings since my work day starts a bit later. I am not someone that likes to eat the same thing every day for the whole week! I always make sure to have a few proteins, greens, extra fruit etc. around the house for myself so I can make whatever I want in the moment :)

*Monday, August 12th isn’t included as part of the rest of the new “meals to make” section because Mondays are the only weeknight that I am actually home for dinner to make a fresh meal for us. It’s basically our at home date night and I try to make something special each week if I have time! Tuesdays through Thursdays I eat my dinner in the car in between my private music students (shameless plug for my company, Lessons By Brooke & Company - check us out!) This is definitely not an ideal, “rest and digest” way to eat, but this is life for me right now and I’m okay with that.

I hope seeing this quick & easy meal plan inspires you to take the time to prepare home cooked meals for yourself and your family even during the busiest of times!



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